History of jqAlert

What drove me to create jqAlert?

With the use of jQuery and jQuery UI, I had all of the performance and visual improvements that I ever dreamed of in javascript. So when it came down to dialog based alerts, I just knew there was absolutely no way that I was going to use those dinosaur based JavaScript alerts. I had seen several different options out there and it seemed like everyone had their own flavor.

There is already such a great group of developers and I probably could have searched to the ends of the earth however I felt my needs were specific. So I created the initial version which did nothing but a basic alert message and implemented some other features that I needed.

I continued to work on it and with each revision I added new features till I came to a point where I thought I should share what I had created with others. So that is when I wrote the article jQuery UI Alerts Dialog using ThemeRollers describing my idea and approach.

I have gotten a lot of emails of support and recommendations from other developers since publishing the article which drove me to create this site.


jqAlert has been tested and I do my best to support it on all the major browsers like Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, and Firefox.

How exactly do you use it?

The following is a short example showing how easy it is for you to start using jqAlert.
